
  • Виктор Владимирович Кривопусков АО «Главкосмос», г. Москва, Россия
  • Раиса Николаевна Первякова Южный федеральный университет, г. Ростов-на-Дону, Россия




public control; social science; democratic rule of law; public opinion; bilateral interaction; state power


The purpose of the research is to analyze the concept of «public control» in the framework of modern sociological discourse, identify and characterize the key research trend of its interpretation, characterized by an interdisciplinary approach.

The methodological basis of the research is made up of comparative-historical and system-structural methods that allow identifying the main trends in the evolution of the analysis of the concept of «public control» in the framework of modern sociological discourse. The key conclusions regarding the definition of the essence of the concept of «public control» are made on the basis of applying the methodology of conflict theory.

Research result. The analysis of the sociological discourse made it possible to determine its main research trend associated with the identification of fundamentally new subject-object relationships in the structure of public control that Express its essence. This is the way to consider individual citizens and their entities (as subjects) and public-law power structures (objects). Within this approach, the author defines public control as a set of social processes that are carried out to monitor the functioning of public legal entities and their individual structures (state authorities), check their activities for compliance with accepted social norms and public expectations, and also to apply certain measures of influence to these structures in order to level possible deviations from these constants.

The perspective of the research is the analysis of the practical implementation of social processes that determine the essence of public control in real conditions of a specific historical situation.

Author Biographies

Виктор Владимирович Кривопусков, АО «Главкосмос», г. Москва, Россия

Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Adviser to the General Director of Glavkosmos JSC, prominent public figure, Chairman of the Russian society for friendship and cooperation with Armenia, member of the General Council and head of the Committee «Space — space of peace, trust and cooperation» of the Assembly of Peoples of Eurasia.

Раиса Николаевна Первякова, Южный федеральный университет, г. Ростов-на-Дону, Россия

соискатель кафедры «Теоретическая социология и методология региональных исследований» Института социологии и регионоведения Южного федерального университета


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How to Cite

Кривопусков, В. В., & Первякова, Р. Н. (2020). ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЙ КОНТРОЛЬ КАК МЕХАНИЗМ ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЯ НА ВЛАСТЬ В СОЦИОЛОГИЧЕСКОМ ДИСКУРСЕ. Bulletin of the South-Russian State Technical University (NPI) Series Socio-Economic Sciences, 13(6), 62–68. https://doi.org/10.17213/2075-2067-2020-6-62-68



Теоретическая и прикладная социология