
  • Владимир Иванович Курбатов Южно-Российский филиал Федерального научно-исследовательского социологического центра РАН, г. Ростов-на-Дону, Россия
  • Юрий Григорьевич Волков Южно-Российский филиал Федерального научно-исследовательского социологического центра РАН, г. Ростов-на-Дону, Россия




migrants; migration processes; pandemic; migrant rhetoric; migrant discourse; xenophobia migrant phobia; racism; migrant mobility; transnationality; migration policy of national states


The purpose of the research is to identify and analyze the factors and trends in the formation and development of social cohesion of migrants.

The methodological basis of the research is system methods for evaluating messages in migrant social networks that are becoming migrant social media, methods of network analysis, methods of mass media practices and migrant rhetoric in public materials, by highlighting, comparing, evaluating and conceptualizing trends in the transformation of migration processes under the influence of global changes, including those caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as methods of discursive analysis of migrant discourse presented in analytical materials.

Research results. This article discusses the social cohesion of migrants, which is formed as an addition to ethnic cohesion as a result of a decrease in the level of trust among migrants in the host society and state in the context of global social changes, including in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Migrants who find themselves in this situation the least protected social strata form inter-ethnic social cohesion as a form of self-organization of ethnic communities in times of crisis. The social cohesion of migrants is reflected in mass media practices, online information interaction, and scientific analytical materials that assess factors that trigger new trends in the migration process, such as the growth of xenophobic, migrant-phobic, and racist attitudes among a part of the population of host countries, restrictions on the mobility of international migrants, and increased competition between migrants and the indigenous population for jobs. Among the new trends in the migration process should be attributed the strengthening of transnational attitudes and actions of migrants, which are expressed in mass protest, human rights and humanitarian movements, as well as in the massive movement of social connections and relations of migrants from the offline to the online sphere, to the social networks, into the digital emigrant diasporas, into the sphere of digital mass media practices.

Research perspective. These trends, although they are ambiguous, may become the basis of migration policy of national States and the subject of sociological research in the future.

Author Biographies

Владимир Иванович Курбатов, Южно-Российский филиал Федерального научно-исследовательского социологического центра РАН, г. Ростов-на-Дону, Россия

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the South Russian Branch
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Research interests: logic and methodology of social cognition, social design and forecasting, sociology of communication, social communication in the information society.

Юрий Григорьевич Волков, Южно-Российский филиал Федерального научно-исследовательского социологического центра РАН, г. Ростов-на-Дону, Россия

Honored scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Theoretical Sociology and Methodology of Regional Studies of the Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies of the Southern Federal University. Scientific Supervisor of the South Russian Branch of Science of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Member of the Russian Academy of Social Sciences, Member of the New York Academy of Sciences (1995).


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How to Cite

Курбатов, В. И., & Волков, Ю. Г. (2020). СОЦИАЛЬНАЯ СПЛОЧЕННОСТЬ МИГРАНТОВ: ПРОЯВЛЕНИЕ В СОЦИАЛЬНЫХ СЕТЯХ В УСЛОВИЯХ ГЛОБАЛЬНЫХ СОЦИАЛЬНЫХ ИЗМЕНЕНИЙ. Bulletin of the South-Russian State Technical University (NPI) Series Socio-Economic Sciences, 13(6), 69–80. https://doi.org/10.17213/2075-2067-2020-6-69-80



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