Information For Authors

Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to the Journal "Bulletin of the South-Russian State Technical University (NPI). Series: Socio-Economic Sciences"

Authors submitting their manuscripts to the journal must adhere to the following formatting rules.

  1. Required elements of the manuscript placed before the main text (in specified order):
  • Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) code;
  • Title of the published material (in Russian and English);
  • Authors’ names (in Russian and English);
  • Full official name of the affiliate institution – each author’s place of work, country, city (in Russian and English);
  • Abstract (in Russian and English). The following semantic blocks should be highlighted in the abstract: "Research Objective", "Research Methodology", "Research Results", "Research Prospects";
  • Keywords or key phrases (in Russian and English), separated from each other by a semicolon.
  1. The text of the manuscript.

The manuscript must be typed in accordance with the rules of computer typing. The manuscript should be formatted in .doc (Office 1997-2003), .odt (openOffice.org2), .rtf (World Pad), 1.5 line space, Times New Roman, size 14. Margins from all sides –  2.5 cm, no auto-transfer.

The manuscript should not be less than 6 pages of typewritten text, including formulas, tables, figures, references.

All tables should be numbered and titled; the number and title of the table is indicated above the table, the number and title of the figure –  under the figure.

When using quotation marks in the text, so-called typographic quotation marks («») must be used. Dash is denoted by the symbol " – " (long dash); hyphen "-" (minus). All abbreviations must be fully deciphered upon first use, with the exception of the generally accepted abbreviations.

If the manuscript contains figures (photographs, drawings), diagrams and formulas created by software tools that are not included in MS Office and, the source files for these images must be provided together with the manuscript. Drawings should be made in black and white, or a contrasting range of shades of gray.

The text of the manuscript should be structured. The sections "Introduction" and "Conclusion" are obligatory. The main text of the manuscript should be divided into sections reflecting the main semantic blocks of the work. Such sections as "Review of the Literature", "Methodology", "Results", "Discussion" are also allowed.

Together with the manuscript, a photo of the author (s) of the manuscript, in the form of a separate graphic file (preferably a photo on a light uniform background) is to be provided.

  1. The following elements must be placed after the text of the manuscript:
  • Reference list;
  • Information about the authors of the article published: full name of the authors; place of work (if all authors of the manuscript work in the same organization, you may not indicate the place of work of each author separately); organizational unit, position, title, academic degree; correspondent postal address; email address for each author. A short scientific biography of the author (s) should also be provided.
  1. Making References (Bibliographic List)

The list of references includes the "Список литературы" in Russian and "References" in English (or the form of transliteration in Latin).

References should be listed in alphabetic order. Links are not allowed as sub-page footnotes. References to sources should be enclosed in square brackets [] in strict compliance with the References organized in alphabetic order.

References should follow the standards developed in the  GOST R 7.0.5-2008, links to electronic sources should be in accordance with the recommendations of the National Library of Russia (RNL) and the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).

Examples of References:

Books: Kaplan R., Norton D. Balanced Scorecard. From strategy to action. - M.: Olymp-Business, 2003. – 304 p.

Manuscripts from magazines: Greiner L.E. Evolution and revolution in the process of organizational growth // Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. Ser. Management. - 2002. - No. 4. - P. 76-94.

Dissertations: Kazakova N.V. Management of organizational development of production systems: Dis. ... Dr. econ. sciences. - SPb: S-Pb. state tech. un-ty, 1997. - P. 54-55.

Internet documents: Ilyin V.I. Consumer behavior [Electronic resource] // Internet encyclopedia of marketing <> (25.11.1998).

About link formatting standards:


RNL recommendations:

RSCI recommendations:

Publication is free of charge for postgraduate students.

Failure to comply with the rules of design and computer typing of the manuscript delays its publication.