Terms of publication

The journal publishes the results of the authors’ research, corresponding to the scientific directions of the journal. All submitted manuscripts are subject to double-blind peer review. The final decision on admission or refusal of the manuscript is taken by the editor-in-chief. It is based on the recommendations of the editorial board and the reviewers’ conclusions.

Rules for sending, reviewing and publishing scientific articles:

  1. The author or one of the co-authors, on behalf of the group of authors, sends an article prepared in accordance with the requirements for manuscripts to the editorial office via e-mail and / or through an automated system for submitting materials.
  2. The authors (co-authors) provide the editorial board with their contact information (postal address, phone number, e-mail address), information about their place of work and position being held, attach a photo of the author (co-authors), and thereby give their consent to the processing of these personal data in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FL"On Personal Data".
  3. A manuscript received by the editorial board is registered by the editorial board, of which the author is informed no later than 5 days since the date of sending the manuscript. The submitted materials are considered as the result of the intellectual work of the authors and are qualified by the editorial board and the publishing group of the journal as information that is not subject to disclosure, with notification of the reviewers involved. The authors, in turn, guarantee that the submitted material is new and has not been previously published in other editions.
  4. The editorial board gives a preliminary assessment of the correspondence of the manuscript’s content to the scope of the journal and the quality of execution of the submitted materials. Within 10 days from the date of registration, the manuscript is sent to at least two reviewers for assessment of the thoroughness of the scientific content.
  5. Reviewing is carried out confidentially by two members of the editorial board and / or hired experts in the field. A manuscript prepared in accordance with the requirements is sent for reviewing to two experts: doctors or candidates of science, who have the closest scientific specialization to the topic of the article. The reviewer makes a conclusion about the possibility of publishing the manuscript within 10 days. A copy of the review or a reasoned refusal is sent to the author of the reviewed manuscript.
  6. The review should assess the relevance of the tasks being solved; the novelty and adequacy of the proposed solution methods; the scientific novelty of the findings; practical significance of the results; the style and literacy of the material presentation; the manuscript structure.
  7. The final part of the review should contain well-founded conclusions about the manuscript as a whole and a clear recommendation on the advisability of its publication in the journal, revision or impossibility (inappropriateness) of publication.
  8. The editorial board sends copies of the reviews to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation upon receipt of a request. The reviews are kept in the editorial office for 5 years.
  9. The reviewer can give recommendations to the author and the editorial board to improve the manuscript. The comments and suggestions of the reviewer must be objective and principled. If there are any recommendations for revision, the manuscript is sent back to the author.
  10. The final decision on the expediency of publication after reviewing is made by the editor-in-chief and is based on the recommendation of the editorial board. The reasoned decision is communicated to the author(s) of the manuscript within 3 days after the decision is made.
  11. If there are recommendations for revision in the review, the manuscript is sent to the author. If there are any comments to the manuscript, the authors are provided with a copy of the review with a proposal to take into account the comments when preparing a new version of the article or to refute them with arguments. The version, revised by the authors, is re-sent for review.
  12. In case of the editor-in-chief’s positive decision, the editorial board determines the order of publications depending on the order of manuscript submission and topics of the journal issues and informs the author about this by e-mail within 3 days.
  13. The authors execute a license agreement with the editorial board for the transfer of non-exclusive rights to publish the submitted scientific materials.