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Bulletin of the South-Russian State Technical University (NPI). Series: Socio-Economic Sciences

«Bulletin of the South-Russian State Technical University (NPI). Series: Socio-Economic Sciences» is a scientific edition established with the aim of forming an open information space of the university, intensifying scientific research and development in the field of socio-economic sciences, increasing their effectiveness and introducing scientific results into the educational process.

 The main task of the journal is to reflect the fundamental and practically significant scientific achievements of employees of both SRSPU (NPI) and universities and scientific organizations of Russia and abroad. The materials submitted for publication are to meet the profile of the journal, meet formal requirements, undergo a double-blind review procedure and receive a recommendation for publication at a meeting of the editorial board of the journal.

Periodicity-6 times a year, published since 2008.

The founder and publisher – Platov South Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) (Novocherkassk, Russia). 132 Prosveshcheniya str., Novocherkassk, Rostov Region, Russia, 346428,

The journal specializes in the following topics, reflected in its headings:

– Theoretical and applied sociology

Questions of the social structure of society, the specifics of the development of modern social institutions and social groups, social processes, topical issues of the sociology of youth and the sociology of education, problems of social management, economic sociology and social demography, issues of the sociology of culture and spiritual life.

– Economics and management

Topical issues of theoretical and applied economics, issues of sectoral and regional economics, management, social economics and demography, instrumental and methodological support for the management of socio-economic processes and systems, management, problems of state and municipal administration, problems of sectoral policies.

- Philosophical innovation

Interdisciplinary social and philosophical studies, philosophy of politics and management, philosophy of culture, human problems, religion and social changes, ethno-religious processes in the region.

Reviews and materials on scientific events and scientific life are also published in the journal.

Scientific specialties of the journal

08.00.01-Economic Theory (economic sciences);

08.00.05-Economics and Management of the National Economy (by industry and field of activity) (economic sciences);

09.00.11-Social Philosophy (philosophical sciences);

09.00.13-Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture (philosophical sciences);

22.00.03 Economic Sociology and Demography (sociological sciences);

22.00.04-Social Structure, Social Institutions and Processes (sociological sciences);

22.00.06-Sociology of Culture (sociological sciences);

22.00.08-Sociology of Management (sociological sciences).

Publication languages: Russian, English, German.

The journal is registered in the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (ROSKOMNADZOR) (PI Certificate No. FS 77-37943 dated November 5, 2009).

In 2009, the journal was included in the system of the Russian Science Citation Index and in the subscription catalogue “The Press of Russia”.